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3 Ways DPA improves the bottom-line of SFDC organizations

Mar 09, 2022 Six Consulting

This is where Salesforce comes in. It's a crucial tool for businesses looking to take their customer experience to the next level.

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Salesforce customers understand that the platform gives them an advantage, improving their bottom line. Among the tools available within the platform, the ability to automate processes and tasks is significant. Within that category, digital process automation can help lower costs and increase revenue.

Digital process automation, or DPA, is unique in the category of process automation. Whereas business process automation (BPA) automates a process from end to end, and robotic process automation provides helpers that can speed up the process for customers, DPA involves automating a portion of a process that also requires human interaction.

That provides several benefits, not the least of which is a baked-in means of iteratively automating a process - it's not an all-or-nothing solution but can be added bit by bit. There are other advantages, as well. Let's look at three ways DPA with Salesforce can improve your bottom line.

3 Ways DPA with Salesforce Reduces Costs and Increases Revenue

Freedom from administrative tasks

Sales teams are meant to, well, sell. To do that, they need to be interacting with customers, strategically reviewing existing accounts, and digging into reports to find the insights that will let them serve customers better.

Instead, many sales team members spend time doing administrative tasks, entering and copying customer data, building reports, and updating accounts. End-to-end, the sales process can't be automated. However, pieces of it can, and should, be. For example, a customer record should be automatically updated to reflect the current products when an order is entered. Another example is activities that are kicked off when a prospect moves from one stage to another, such as an email to request a meeting or the setup of a billing account.

When the system completes these administrative tasks, sales teams have more time to do the work they were truly hired to do. It gives them more time to spend face-to-face with customers. Customer satisfaction grows, too, as sales teams get in and learn their needs. Plus, with customer data syncing across systems, a salesperson has access to a 360-degree view of the customer within Salesforce, making it easier to suggest new products and services and follow up quickly with concerns.

Increase self-service options

Not every customer needs, or even wants, to have direct contact with customer service. In fact, a study by Zendesk found that 69% of customers want to resolve as many issues for themselves as possible. Many businesses offer self-service options, but Salesforce enables a higher level of customer self-service.

Customer self-service may start from the same point but can quickly branch into many areas. For instance, a new banking customer setting up an account will have some of the same screens, regardless of the product they are looking for. Once basic Know-Your-Customer information is gathered, though, the product desired will likely drive different questions and different forms. A smart form, created with Salesforce Flow's drag and drop tools, can encompass those differences without the need to develop splintered and potentially inconsistent customer experiences.

Notably, that data can be ported into any customer service information throughout Salesforce's platform and even in connected systems and applications. Any information entered will be shared with the rep if the customer hits a wall and needs to talk to a customer service representative. This eliminates the need for a customer to repeat information they have already entered, further increasing customer satisfaction.

In either case - either within the smart forms or with a customer service agent - a DPA process can identify additional products and services that may be beneficial to the customer. Personalized recommendations can be made within the flow of the self-service process, expanding uplift opportunities. Even AI can be brought into the process with Einstein Automate, allowing for predictive recommendations.

Reduce the need for hard to find (and expensive) talent

It's no secret that the current hiring environment is tough and is unlikely to get better in the foreseeable future. This is particularly true with skilled knowledge workers, like developers. The ones you have are invaluable and need to focus on challenging tasks that require technical expertise to resolve. Automation tasks don't need to be on their backlog list.

No code and low code tools have opened up opportunities for tasks that formerly required developers to be completed by non-technical resources. Plus, low-code automation tools have been shown to improve the employee experience, with 91% of those surveyed indicating that they think low-code automation tools save time and offer better work-life balance.

Salesforce Flow is a simply click-not-code tool where line-of-business teams can build DPA solutions quickly, at the point of need, and without waiting for a technical resource to be available to help. That means faster process improvements across the organization while tech teams focus on innovations and serious technical problems.


Salesforce is a powerful tool with an extensive list of features. One that can set you apart from your competition is the solution's DPA toolset. By creating world-class self-service apps, freeing sales team time to spend with customers, and enabling the teams that need automation to build it themselves, Salesforce creates substantial revenue enhancement and cost reduction opportunities.

If you're wondering if Salesforce is the right solution for your business, or if you're looking to get started with DPA to streamline your processes and save time, reach out to Six Consulting. Our experienced Salesforce developers and architects can help you identify how your Salesforce implementation can boost your bottom line and soon have Salesforce paying for itself.

69% of customers want to resolve as many issues for themselves as possible.

want to resolve as many issues for themselves as possible.

91% of those surveyed indicating

that they think low-code automation tools save time and offer better work-life balance.

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